
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chapter 1: Contradictory Views

Taken from

The Universal Law of Creation: When You Seek, Ask, See and Truly Believe Beyond Any Shadow-of-a-Doubt Whatsoever, You Shall Receive!


Illuminatis The Ones and The Shadows

Copyright ©
by Gino DiCaprio

"Taking things personally makes you prey for predators. They can hook your attention with one little opinion, and feed you whatever poison they want. Refuse to eat poison!”~ Don Miguel Ruiz
Soon you will see and feel the change. It is already happening, but not everything in this world is visible before you “choose” to see it. Very soon, the changes will be visible to most of you. The transformation will be felt in your body, mind, and soul.

When you finish reading this book, the media will say and portray me as that I seem and look paranoid and delusional.

A New World Order is not a threat if it is not abused. It would make us “one (1). It is those that would take away our freedom that we should be concerned over. As long as “We the People” unite, we cannot be taken over. You are more focused on keeping your own “countries” as in “America” instead of focusing in becoming one (1) “United” World People.
  • What good was the constitution for the American Indian?

This is not only about taking back America, but taking back the World, for it is happening everywhere.

The obstacle is that a lot of you are more into complaining over resolving the issues that will affect each generation or you have the attitude of “It does not affect me, so I don’t care to see the Truth. So why get involved!”

You turn the other cheek and ignore it since deep inside you, your ego self says, “What I don’t know, see or hear will not hurt me,” that is until it is too late. It will affect your future offspring’s generation just as it has affected you now from how it used to be before your I.D. pictures became public. Our parents, you and the future will be affected one (1) way or another, not all at the same time, but all at different moments.

To achieve this we must create a “new” language that would be made obligatory in all our homes and schools around the World as a second (2nd) language. This way no language is picked over another. By the next generation this language will be understood anywhere in the world.

Worldwide currency should also be implemented as one (1) without depriving one (1) country over the other. Once all of this is done, the World Armies must be put at the service of the public and not a Government. This must be done all over the world at the exactly same time so as to provide an indispensable guarantee of security.

In the new Broadway musical of “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,” the Wicked Witch of the West is looked different compared to the original movie version.

Negative energy which some of you call “evil” is clearly depicted and overcome by “good” which I call positive energy. However, in the musical version the Wicked Witch is presented as a sad sympathetic character. Born with green skin, she feels like an outsider.

Major characters, plot lines, roles, as well as other important details are altered so that the Wicked Witch is really just a misunderstood person. The audience might come away with the idea that negative/evil is positive/good and positive/good is negative/evil. Just look at your laws and you will see that it is all true. Innocents are imprisoned because of lies or exaggeration. Conspiracy laws in the United State of America are abused with false witness and corrupted Federal District Attorneys that work side by side with your personal lawyer. Moreover, the real Criminals are ether free or in Power. “You only see what you want to see and push the Truth aside.”

Today scientist against their will are installing into your skin microchips to not only track you, but to control your emotions to their needs. The cure for cancer and others diseases have been here for decades, yet they are making more money drugging the dying with treating the symptom over saving lives. They have even discovered the technology to create food in abundant to feed every living person by having food grow in the deserts as well as the power to warmth you in your home without pollution or you paying any utility bills, free energy. In our children, they claim to give them vaccines and you believe them. They are injecting our children with toxic, mercury and the list goes on. WAKE UP! Their goal is population control. They plan to wipe off more then half (½) the world’s population to reach their agenda of world domination by looking like your saviour.

Science is not always the way, just as Religion is not. There are certain things that cannot be explained or accepted scientifically or religiously. Just as over two thousand (2,000) years ago if it could not be explained "religiously" today they say the same "scientifically". Those who are in the "Secret Elite" have known this for ages.

Science proves things with the illusion that it's based on proofs through experimental acts or math, which they make you believe that it makes logical sense. The Spiritual Realm or Outer Dimension Realm does not work upon our “Scientific” concept. So because scientifically these reality or concept of reality cannot be proven then they must only be categorized as theories or not true as religion used to do.

No organised group has a right to say what is true or not.

Science, just like religion they both have certain truth, but not the full truth. The "cure" to "aids" has existed for years, and it was not done by science, but by natural herbs to cure and not scientifically. This however is not accepted by the science community, if they cannot explain the “why” it works.

Science has done a lot of great things, so please do not misquote what you are reading. All I am saying is that it has been corrupted just as religion was and still is. There are many ways beside religion, science, spiritual and so on that we can use, and other ideas we have not even thought of yet.

There are certain things that you are not required to prove that you know about to the world. All you are required is if it is enough proof to yourself in what you know, and let others find their own proof if it comes to that.

I do not have to give proof of what I know since skeptics will always find a way around proof. They go well in hand with aggressiveness.

It makes no difference in knowing the Truth when eighty-four point seven percent (84.7%) of the world population does not care. If they cared, they would rebel or at least stop buying the products that are out there that is being pushed and sold. If people do not stop and support the market, then nothing will ever change. People know the Truth, people love to complain which in the end it is worst then being a “sheep,” for a sheep is at least content.

It is easy to blame others, as the Government, Corporation, Jews and the list goes on. You may believe that Capitalism is not the way and that Socialism is better. What you do not know is that all of them including Communism are all connected but you are too blind to see it. These are just some of the distraction from the real event.

The World Leaders are being controlled and manipulated without their knowledge nor will they even accept it. Enemies are created where before they were not there. I wished that I could write down all that I know but ninety-seven point three percent (97.3%) of you will be convinced that I am off my rockers, which in the end I will lose my credibility.

All new groups that start with a good cause and even the Entertainment business are being infiltrated and manipulated, they convince those in these events to agree with them with logic and sense, and again you do not realize you are being manipulated.

They enter “every” small groups out there in case one (1) day you become big. They enter when you’re most vulnerable. They have not only entered the Government of the World or the Big Corporations, they have entered your home, your mind when you agree with all that is going around you with logical reasons. They have convinced you that their view makes sense. They will have you blame others and blindside you from the Truth.

They will create “Sleepers”; you will recognize them when they support propaganda with emotions instead of logic. They will be angry which will give the Controllers Power, for they feed off negative energy.

I never planned nor asked to be a part of the Primaries, yet I have always been one (1) of them as well as a part of them since before time itself came to be. My physical mind has been blocked from being probe and scattered to protect those like myself.

If you discover as a result recognize and identify yourself in all these pages you’ve read so far, in addition you’ve also started figuring out how to decipher and decode the hidden clues I’ve written down to lead us together with the belief you may be one (1), than you should also have known instinctively the danger it has to offer as well as the rewards, for they are watching.

You would have felt something stirring inside of your Inner Higher-Self, so stop reading immediately if you value your existence. You may be one (1) of us. Once you acknowledge this, you will be required to put up a cloak barrier, for it shall only be a matter of time before our ancient foes sense it too, more over they will come for each of you. They have eyes and ears everywhere.

If you are not one (1) of us, I envy you, for you have no real clue of the actual battle that has been going on for longer then time itself in the Unseen Spiritual Realm, which has slowly been leaking into your physical world for the past few thousand (1,000s) years.

The quest is not all what it seem, for there is always something off as well as strange going on. A Secret Council of Elders lets those of us who are Chosen know our assignments and when it is the proper time to be awaken to remember.

As a decipher you can interpret the codes along with the meaning, but not only just here in my book. Our quest is being watched as entertainment as a source of amusement until it affects their presence actuality.

If you are one (1) of the Chosen, few with very little memory of who you truly are, than the less you remember the fewer of our ancient foes you shall attract. They like us can be slain except you do not truly perish. I know this sounds crazy and all; however, they in the other hand do not have what you have… Souls. You can dispel them for a while, or even for a lifetime. Yet, they are primal forces, in addition they do re-form eventually.

Those of you who do not have the gift moreover finally see the True reality, which has always been there; you will assume it is an illusion as a result not real. You will believe it is your imagination, as the mass population shall too. Whenever divine or profane elements mix with human being, you generate Haze, which obscures the vision.

You with the gift that will or has been Chosen shall see things just as they Truly are, yet you shall interpret things quite differently compare to the mass population. The rest of the physical material world will not see the Truth; all they will see is an optical illusion of what their mind can comprehend as reality.

Otherwise, if you did not receive the gift you will only see your version of reality. You shall not have reliable eyes, your brain shall only be able to process what you see through the mirage that those from the Fourth (4th) Dimension releases.

The world is as ignorant as the rest, deception upon deception. That is great, since as my dream-self I am changeable and too unpredictable. I have learnt to follow my heart, gut; instinct and intuition, for those from the Fourth (4th) Dimension will strive on your doubts as well as your hopelessness if you have the gift. They will use deception towards you if they can, hoping to make you mistrust your own judgment.

Once you become awaken and start to realize who you have always truly been, you shall see the Truth with the danger you have attracted. When this happens, it will be something you could never have dreamed possible.

When they sense you, and they will, they shall come to challenge you. Most of the time, they will ignore you until they feel that you have become a threat. A few of us through the eons have managed to survive as a result even become famous. If I were to tell you some of their names, you would know a few, while others have been lost or become myth.

Some of you have no clue who you really are or even been. You have no idea or realize the Power you have, and that this illusion you see is a temporary prison. Nevertheless, there is always one (1) that is assigned to guard as well as watch over us in the physical world and one (1) in the Spiritual Realm.

Learn to keep the faith in addition do not think negative. Those from the Negative Dimension will have you throwing in everything from dreams, hopes, and wishes that can come true.

We shall go to Asia and other continents to find what is to be found as a result face those who have turned. I shall be betrayed as always, by one (1) who will be close to me. In the end, I will not save what matters most to me. Even now, I still do not truly understand these prophecies I receive. These prophecies often have double meanings; the Truth is not always clear until these events come to pass.

Names are very powerful things and should not be taken so lightly. You do not go around using them for no reason. Most have mistranslated Ancient virtuous names in addition brush it off as not important to correct them. That is one (1) of the mass populations first (1st) of many mistake. “I came yet you did not know me, you called a name that has never been mine, you claim to know me by another name, however I do not know you, so move away from my path, you who cannot even honour my True Name nor my Fathers’”

A Chosen’s’ fate is never a contented one (1) since it always ends with tragic. The prophecy is coming, in addition you are required to be prepared, for the path ahead of you that has been chosen will be given to just a few of you. In knowing too, much of the future is never a good thing.

You must be extremely careful, those serving the Negative Dimension Hierarchies wants those of you with the Calling to come unravelled, your life disrupted, your thoughts clouded with anger and fear. I shall not give them what they want, nor should you. Train patiently, for the time will come.

Please do not come to me in what to do, for I am in the same predicament as you. You must decide your own path, I cannot tell you the right choice, or advice you.

When you read regular books and than suddenly the letters seem to float off the pages;

  • Why do you believe this happened?
It has been written that it is because your mind is equipped for Ancient readings.

  • What about if you are impulsive and you cannot sit still?

  • What if you just daydream?
That is your battlefield reflexes that they through society does not want. In a real fight, it will keep you alive. As for your attention problem, that is because you see too much, not too little.

Our foes want you medicated. They do not want you seeing them for what they truly are. Just do your research on the United State of America on their Constitution on baring arm, you shall notice that the States that have the strictest laws on arms also are the highest on taxes, you see? This is so you cannot fight back as well as a way to control you.

For years, I have been having these dreams and visions that I was more than who I am or whom I am portraying to be. I have had dreams of a very momentous sacred mission that is to become a new age for us all. I would never see the actual date of year, but just that it would happen soon. Every year since I was a child I dreamed or saw these visions.

In 1972, I was ten (10) years old and I just knew that this special event is to start or happen in forty (40) years from that moment.

  • How would I know that?
Somehow, instinctively and subconsciously I was counting down the years. In the meantime, every few year I would dream the same, however just the scenery changed.

The last time I saw this vision was around March 2008, and the countdown was four (4) years away. This date ended to be the year 2012 of the month of December.

This was before I even heard of others talking about that date of the so-called Maya Calendar and peoples different view as it being the end of the world. I on the other hand never saw an end; I saw it as a new beginning for us all, a self-realization and an open awakeness in awareness.

Near the end of 2007 is when I started to finally take my gifts serious. I had too many predictions in the past I have foretold become reality. I have meet people I have never seen before, and I told them what I knew about them to a “Tee,” and I was …right. Even if I was only making it up, I ended being accurate.

I have ignored my gifts, my visions as well as dreams far too long. I’ve denied myself, I didn’t want to be laughed at, and having people think I was weird or crazy, but now I see I cannot any longer deny who I really am nor my destiny. I must find this Truth of what I really know. This sacred mission is to go to ancient places I have seen in my dreams and visions of places I have been to in my other life times, and to search to find these hidden secret messages.

I see these signs everywhere; I have seen clues in addition I have even heard a whistle blowing from movies to newspaper, and so on. All I know is that I’m alarmed, for it will also shock all those around me who will follow me to see this physically what I saw and know of this new age as well as our roles.

She is a part of this sacred mission in my visions.

  • Who is she?
She will know herself when she reads this, for we have always been together, and she will remember my words; “I will always, I will always, I will always love you!” We had more than one (1) life together, yet always we are torn apart from each other. By the time I wake up on my wrong path and see the right path, it is too late. In this lifetime I got the chance to do it right, and I know she is a part of it no matter even if I personally do not want her to be. Our Ancient Enemies job is to see that we do not work together and to keep me off this course. This is her choice now to wake up as I did and take her path, no matter who she hurts or will hurt on her way there. Pride. These agents will do whatever it takes for this mission not to be.

In the meantime, I am revealing more than I should for now, little by little it will be. Yet I will say it again; “I have always, I have always been here!” You are in a continuous time loop; moreover, you do not even feel it.

A lot of you readers will say that I contradict myself in what I say and write about, however in reality this is how it is, in addition you must find the right meaning I’m making a effort to relate to you personally, as a result not by what others interpretation of what they believe I’m writing. Do you follow? “Every morning I wake up to another reality, where history has been changed a little, but only I notice it.” It is called a shared shift. I also “see what others don’t see or notice.”

My writings has been written at different points of time in-between 2007 until 2010 which I revise in what my visions tell me what to write, so all that I write or say in person I shall not take credit for. It does not come from me, but from a Higher Source of Energy, a Higher Consciousness. As myself I have no clue what I am striving to bring out.

If I agree or not is no longer relevant, yet your view is only valuable if you use your Spirit to guide you when you read my work I wrote, or that you heard me verbally, but not your physical view. Your physical point of view can be misleading compared to your Spiritual view.

  • I do not expect those of you that are Metaphysics skeptic would agree?
Many people seem to confuse the Spirit and the Soul are the same, however they are separate beings. They are both energy, however one (1) is Eternal and the other is temporary. That is why the expression is; “You either have the Spirit or you don’t,” while a soul everyone has it, it is a part of being human; it is a part of who you are. The physical reality yet alludes to the World of the Spirit. The Spiritual Reality and it alludes to the physical world.

When you intertwine yourself with the Universe and “ask,” the Universe mirrors the refection of your wishes back with its responds. That does not always mean that the results will be what you want. However, that something that the Universe knows is best for you will happen, since there is nothing more powerful than taking initiation.

You see, you really are All KnoWing, yet you let your mind along with your emotion block you from that Infinite Source, do you agree?

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