
Friday, October 29, 2010

Chapter 1: Corporeal

Taken from

The Universal Law of Creation: When You Seek, Ask, See and Truly Believe Beyond Any Shadow-of-a-Doubt Whatsoever, You Shall Receive!


Time is an Illusion

by Gino DiCaprio
Copyright ©
“Success is getting what you want. Happiness is waiting what you get.” –Carl Trumbell Hayden
I was in my room one (1) night and was woken up by a strange electro charge. When I opened my eyes instantly, I saw a light in the middle of my room. It then transformed itself to an electric current. The light I saw disappeared receding into a ball and then a point of light that blinked out with electric feed. It was an intense flash in my room that sucked inward.

As fast as it appeared in the middle of my room, this sphere, this orb imploded, sucking back in on itself, crushing inward to the tiny point of light from which it had come.

People obviously prefer things to be well defined, well framed, and limited in a way, in the image of their own mind.

How will you know “if” you are finally truly connected with the Universe?

The moment you are truly awakened, you will receive a migraine, a headache. This headache will drain your strength.


Because you are close to receiving the Truth. The moment you know what you are reading, and seeing is the Truth is the moment you will feel exhausted. It is because those from the negative realm want it to be hard for you to focus so that you start to believe you are bored or not truly interest in what you found. They will discourage you secretly from receiving the hidden messages I and others were lead to put down for you to decode. It is your duty to cryptic along with than interpret them or find somebody that can understand them. 

You were not created to work, you were created to experience the physical life, to think, to create and blossom. You raise your children with perception of work, family and country, when you should raise them with the principles of fulfillment, freedom, and Universal fraternity.

“Work” is not sacred when it is motivated only by the need to earn just enough to survive or above others. It is even terribly degrading to sell oneself in order to eat.

The “Family” has never been anything but a way for supporters of slavery to force people to work harder for an illusory family ideal.

Your “Country,” to be patriot is still only a supplementary means of creating competition between people and urging you to perform their sacrosanct n if it is too emotional, so that all can understand them. work with greater ardor each day.

Reality is an illusion, as subjective as anything else is. That is how the Universe works. Minacity is simply tapping with sufficient strength along with force to make your reality match what you conjured in your mind. You live in a multiverse and not just one (1) simple Universe. Every time without realizing it you wake up in another reality, which only some of us sense as well as know. You all know there are an unlimited number of galaxies, am I correct on that?

So why do you believe there is also only one (1) Universe or even one (1) reality?

This, and so much more, is revealed to you in your being, your heart and mind when your mind is weaned away from self-involvement and guided to the path of Universal Truth. The Truth is here NOW; the Truth is within you; the Truth is in the core of your being. The core of your being is your pure state of consciousness devoid of all mental, egotistical superimpositions. Within you resides the Supreme Consciousness in the form of TRUTH.

The past, present, as well as the future are all compressed as one (1) time. I have always been here, I cannot explain it, and however I know I have always been here. Before the Universe and space as we know it, there was nothing, no time, time did not exist. In life, you may come through obstacles after obstacles, along with challenges after challenges, but in how you deal with it is what is important.

Do you look at it as a negative as in a problem or a positive as in a solution?

To realize the TRUTH you will have to leave the untruth; you will have to stop making the untruth real in your mind. When your mind is covered with falsehood, it is incapable of perceiving the truth. The Truth is revealed by the Wisdom of Consciousness, which removes all falsehoods and makes you see beyond your small self whom we call the “ego”.

You sense that you have always been. You and I are here because we are supposed to be here. Once you see as well as fully understand it. Once you intertwine moreover attune yourself with the Universe, you will suddenly tend in following your instinct. There are certain things you just know, but that you cannot explain in words “how.” You just know. I call it “The KnoWing.”

There are different kinds of Spiritual Gifts, but they all come from the same Spirit. There are those with the Gift;

To Speak with Wisdom

Attain Unspeakable Knowledge

Have Great Faith

The Power to Heal

Make Miracles

Foretell Prophecy

See through different Realms of Reality

Sense and Feel different Spirits in any Form or even Formless Entities

Speck different Languages

Finally those who can;

Translate any Languages, even Unknown Ones.

I have learned to be nonchalance about my gift.

I highly encourage questions; however, there are certain questions that should not be answered by me. The answers should come from inside you. Questions such as, “How do you know certain things about the Spiritual Realm?” is one (1). You should not pursue knowledge. Instead you should attract it toward you since when you pursue it, you will not obtain it.

Most of you have negative thoughts and would be preferable to ignorance over being positive.

Which is easier for you, staying negative or positive?

Answer this before you read on.

Negative is easier over being positive. Staying positive, you would require clarifying your situation. Collaborate, and elaborate this with a person you find is a positive thinker. Positive thoughts brings positive things while, negative thoughts brings negative things.

The Universe is an Entity that exists as a result if it exists, it can be reasoned with, do you agree? Anything can be reasoned with if the few of us that stays determined or stubborn enough. See, Ask, and Believe so you can Receive.

To learn a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. If you tap just right with your mind, you can journey far. Your mind along with your thoughts is connected to the Universe’s Consciousness. All it takes is to turn your mind inside out in addition step through it. As I’ve written before n if it is too emotional, so that all can understand them. in as well as through my whole book; “I have always been here,” and to explain the inexplicable is unexplainable, not clear, concise, as a result not easily comprehensible.

Every shiver reflects a serious disturbance. When you become aware that things are not aligned you shudder. Our Universe is general and each of you individually, is dichotomous in nature, comprised of physical matter and Spirit, body and soul, two (2) forces driven in opposite directions. The battle between matter and Spirit creates serious turbulence, which lies at the root of all existential loneliness and despair, more than enough reason to shudder. However this dissonance is not always apparent.

Your life reflects your struggle of life resulting from the tension between matter and Spirit. Initially these two (2) worlds do not co-exist. Physical matter and Spirit are at war with each other. When one (1) rises the other falls.

Everything in your material existence contains Divine Spiritual Energy, and you are charged with the mission to extricate, redeem, and elevate these sparks, to uncover the Spiritual opportunity embedded in every experience, and thereby refine the material Universe and transform it into its True purpose, a vehicle for Spiritual expression.

When you the matter ignored your True physical destiny, you off set the Universe plan to balance. For every effect affects other events. Your Spirit felt something was wrong, terribly wrong and tried to warm your physical self. You in the other hand ignored it. The Universe and your Spirit took over without the consent of your physical matter to balance the Cosmos, by taking away your physical things you had, people you loved and betrayal. Once the balance is back, it will triple and give you back all you have lost. The same goes for me my readers.

The Universe’s material existence was tenuous without it connection to its Spiritual purpose. You shivered and shake for the misalignment of the Universe. You shuddered for every painful experience that would take place. You trembled when you saw the terrible consequences you gave to those you love.

You shuddered as you realized how difficult, how enormously painful your struggle would be throughout history between the forces of physical matter and the forces of Spirit, for you as I have always been here. You shudder continues to reverberate throughout the eons. You are now ready to weave your way through the challenges. Through all the havoc, you stand today at the threshold of a new world.

Follow your heart, and be in presence, it helps a lot. You shall receive a Higher Energy and integrate the real Truth about who you really are. There is nothing strange about it; it is a journey from a deep sleep state to full awakening.

The memory of your limitless nature is getting harder and harder to ignore. Have faith in the deep feeling of ability that shines in you. The road you may see might seem different then mine, but there is a root of where each of our roads leads to one (1) union.

For a long time, our Ancient Ancestors had held the Truth in their hands but could not understand it and assumed they could decode it. I have now been given the task to hide it throughout my books for you to find. For you to find it, you must not think, you must trust your KnoWing. You shall each be assigned a hidden code that you shall share with others like yourself until it is no longer a piece of the puzzle but a whole. Keep your sense opened and do not second (2nd) guest yourself for you will be infiltrated.

At the right moment there will be those of you who will seek to understand and will do so. There will be those of you who will look without really seeing. There will be those of you who read or hear without truly listening or understanding, such will not understand the Truth. Some of you will pretend or assume to. Nevertheless, those who prove their efforts will receive help.

Most of those that are around you are just shadows and do not truly exist, they are but a figment of your imagination. What you know is not so. What seems real is not real. Who you each represent is not who you really are. Everything you know has been a lie. Time itself in the physical world goes forward, while time in the Spiritual World does not even exist, for time is one (1). I want to remind you of the temporal nature of existence. The material world is not your true home. You must never succumb to the illusion that your structures and mortal edifices is your natural environment.

Corporeal life is a means, a road that leads you to a deeper, Spiritual Reality. You are just a traveler in this impermanent material world; you are a Spiritual Being on a material journey, not a material being on a Spiritual journey. Fighting the illusion of material reality is no simple battle. The physical world has a powerful hold on you, so powerful that it sucks you in, like a black hole, into its own reality, making you think that this material existence is the only thing that is real. Until it comes to a point that you no longer are neutral and you become part of the illusion. You feed it and it feeds you.

What you see is not real, and the physical world lies to you. What you believe you see is not necessarily what you get, or is never what you get. It is what you perceive happened. You create and willed this project to be, this image that may or may not reflect your substance within your knowing conscious or your unknowing subconscious.

Do you truly believe it was an accident that you are reading this book?

The more you look deep. I do mean very… deep into what I write. Which I receive from a Source Higher than me, and you somehow unknowingly have the gift to read between the lines to “decipher” and “decode” the Truth, the closer you will be in joining me in the search of the Truth, in what’s right is wrong, and what’s wrong is right in being wise in wisdom. The eight (8) leaders will each double their forces by eight (8) each down the line.

All of existence is only an illusion in appearance, and does not truly exist. This is to say that the source didn’t change at all in itself and its necessary true existence and it is now still exactly the same as it was before creation, and there is no space empty of IT, as is known.

So how was it Emanated?

You do not live in a seamless Universe, for your physical body hides the Spirit within you. The person you trust will stab you in the back. Organize religions, and even scientists falsify data. Deception is part of your reality. This does not mean that there is no truth, but that you have to do your own research to know the Truth.

Existence itself hides its true nature and can deceive you into thinking that nothing exists beyond what you see in the physical world, or other peoples “words.” You have to stop following blindly, and truly open your eyes. You have been brain washed for years, even thousands (1,000s) of years to have a certain belief passed down from your parents, or who ever raised you. All you know has been a lie. You cannot put the blame on those who taught you, for they were kept away from the Truth just as you were. Only those in the “Shadows” know with the “Ones.”

What you know is not real. What is good is not good. What is bad is not bad. All belief has been manipulated, twisted as well as separated and now requires to be returned to one (1). It is a whole that has been taken apart thousands (1,000s) of years ago, and now that puzzle is finding its way back into one (1) piece.

Am I mad?

Maybe so. Maybe it is all a fragment of my imagination, but if so, then I want you to explain to me your logic in;

Why has all my theories been documented by others before I even “knew, read” or “heard” of them?

Did I create this reality to suit my wishes or was it always here and I just did not notice it?

Some of you may read this and ask;

What does all this have to do with bettering myself or meeting women?

That is easy to answer, for it has evolved to a deeper concept, in addition all I teach will lead together as one (1).

You can create your own reality temporarily on a day-to-day basis in intertwining yourself with the Universe. I in the other hand, must go deeper, I require those who know who I Truly am, to find me, and finally complete the Ancient Task we started thousands (1,000s) of years earlier.

In past history I have let my “emotions” over rule me, but I now fully understand that it should have always been “logic” that should have led me.

Jezebel has always been a part of the “Ones,” and I with both the “Ones” and the “Shadows.” We have always been, we have always been here. Time is one (1), and I always return, to find those who have always been with me, for most do not even remember fully as I remember them. My friends, loved ones, and enemies are here. Some disguise themselves as my enemies, when they were truly my allies in different timeline and realities. Some of my true enemies came back as the parents of my allies and love ones to deceive them away from their real purpose with the help of magical means to enchantments. They tried in every time line, and even now to distract me in becoming who I truly am. Emotion is a weakness that can be controlled.

Who was I originally?

My bloodline has the answer, since my bloodline does not lie, my DNA does not lie.

Seeing through this illusion you call reality, and seeing what others don’t is a gift, which for years I saw as a curse, as a result I ignored it. I once in a while see coloured auras around people or see mystical beings that most cannot see around them.

I got an Ancient Birthmark that has followed me in every timeline. Time, the way you know it, really skips not forward as you believe it to be, but back and forth in the Spiritual Realm. The best and closest way to better help you understand this in a human concept is that one (1) through ten (10) in the physical world goes as; “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,” and “10”right? Now however, imagine that it really was random as in; “4, 5, 1, 3, 6, 8, 2, 7, 10,” and “9!” That is how it is in the Spiritual Reality when you choose to return to the physical illusion you call reality.

Believe in who you truly are. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise, or stop you. They may try to take away who you are meant to be, however they can never win if you do not let them win. They can break you or you can be made stronger, it is all your choice.

Laugh, smile, think of me as nuts, a visionary, or less, or more. Nevertheless, do your homework before you decide to determine where I fit. I on the other hand hope I am just plain crazy, for these prophecies have been foretold thousands (1,000s) upon thousands (1,000s) of years. This is overwhelming as well as a lot of responsibility on my shoulder. Now, the question to you is:

Where do you fit into this?

Are you part of reality or an illusion that believes to be real?

You saw yourself asleep in a trance like state that resembles sleep. You were in a strong state of great mental abstraction on your bed, and had an astral self out-of-body experience. What is significant is that it did not feel like a dream, nor did it seem like one (1).

You felt weightless as you saw yourself moving higher above your body, moreover you continue going further away, even passing the galaxies, stars, in contrast even the Universe itself to a place that is brighter then anything you can put into words.

In that moment of being, despite your incredible lightness of being, you felt as conscious in addition to being aware, as you had ever been. Though you knew you were unconscious in a state of altered consciousness trance, you had never been so attuned to your senses. In that moment everything became sharper, you became aware of everything, feeling, hearing, and seeing. This is a sense of peace and well-being that you did not nor want to end.

Over the Spiritual Plain, you measure time as in past, present, and future with different linear span than on the material physical plain. When you finally returned to your physical body, you felt like you were gone for hours, sometimes even days or years, while in the physical world it was only a few seconds to a few minutes.

Every time you receive this assess, you see it as a privilege of a lifetime. This always leaves you with so many unanswered questions plus so much more questions to come. On the due time all shall be clear, so observe as a result give ear to the Truth, until the appointed time. Eternity past and future is the present in the Spiritual Realm.

Very shortly in the not too distance future from now in the physical material world, I will come to you, however not in the form of religion, nor advocating any religion. I shall come to bring you trouble not peace. Nevertheless, I will show you peace, caring, kindness, loving, giving and sharing. Once again, I am not here to bring you religion, on the other hand, religion is your attempts to reach a Higher Source some of you call G-d. I as a result of this am attempting to let you see that something Higher than you is determine to reach you, a Spiritual Energy, a Higher Power, it doesn’t matter how you label it, or your belief.

New Universes are being formed as you read; otherwise, new Big Bangs are happening outside our Universe.

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